When I was in eleventh grade, I had a pretty awesome English teacher. Every day, he would start our class with a "creative writing" exercise. We had a journal. We had fifteen minutes. We had to write. Sometimes there would be a specific topic on the board; sometimes we had the freedom to pick our own topic. The point of the exercise was just to get us writing something. This same English teacher was the one who chased me down the hallway at school when he found out I had picked Accounting as my major for college. He was convinced I was making the wrong choice....that I should instead try to be a writer or an English teacher. I thought that was silly because I always hated grammar. Seriously, who actually enjoys taking a sentence and diagramming it?
Oh c'mon, don't tell me you can't remember that. It's not that you forgot, it's just that your brain is blocking the awful memory of THIS:
Okay, so my drawing might be a little *off*, but back to my point. I graduated from high school and kissed sentence diagrams and creative writing sessions goodbye and buried myself in numbers........(that sounded much more exciting in my head.) Only I never really stopped the creative writing sessions. I had a prayer journal, actually prayer journals, that are filled with random thoughts, prayers, drawings, and ideas.
Fast forward a couple of years and you'll find me halfway through college realizing that maybe Accounting wasn't my thing. I didn't want to quit after all of my effort so I just pushed forward and graduated. Three days before my graduation from college I launched this blog, and a year and two months later I launched a second blog, Faith, Marriage & Family .
I wouldn't call my college career a mistake, because it did land me the job I have now which has sustained me and Roman's way of living and provided us with great health insurance. And it does provide a nice "back-up plan" should things turn south in the future. But I am excited about where God is leading us next. I don't think I will ever be forced to diagram another sentence (Dear. Lord. No.), but hopefully I can make "creative writing" my job profession in the near future.
One thing is for certain, I won't ever stop writing-no matter where life leads. Not because I feel like I have to keep writing, but just because I love it. I love reading words. I love writing words. I love books. I love blogs. I just love everything about writing. Call me a nerd if you want, but this is just something I'm passionate about. And I'm glad that I get to do something I love and have such awesome people surrounding me as I do it (that would be you, my dear readers.)
So hats off to you guys for being so supportive and awesome, and here's to a bright future full of more creative writing sessions and less sentence diagrams. Because seriously, who needs those things anyways?
"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" ~Jeremiah 29:11
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