Friday, August 2, 2013

TGIF Friday

Thank. God. It's. Furlough. Friday. 

Life in the Casterline household has been hectic at best and slightly chaotic at worst over the past two-ish weeks. I will be the first to say: it stinks not getting paid every Friday, but I totally needed today off.

My washing machine and dryer are busily humming away and I am trying my best to get caught up on all the household stuff that needs to get accomplished.

  • Six (!!!) load of laundry
  • Dirty dishes
  • Grocery shopping
  • Balancing the checking account
  • Vacuum/Mop
  • Clean the bathrooms 

And all the women across America nod in understanding.

What makes the six loads of laundry sound really bad is when I tell you that I stayed up until 1 a.m. Wednesday night doing two "emergency" loads of laundry because my husband was out of socks, and I was out of clean pants and underwear. Lovely. TMI? I'm sorry. 

But sometimes, that's just how life goes. I'm sure you understand, right? Please tell me I'm not the only one who gets behind on housework. Because as much as we would like to say that our houses are Pinterest-worthy clean and tidy and organized and spotless and perfect, I would guess that more than half the time they are anything but. 

But gosh-dern-it my house is going to be clean by the end of today if it's the last thing I do. And then tomorrow afternoon I am going to be a complete bum and maybe go to bed at seven o'clock at night. 

In other news, my dog decided to mark his spot on top of the litter box. Yes, as in, he peed on it. So that was a fun experience to clean up. That's also how I came to the conclusion that I should probably mop my floors today. Nothing reminds you how badly you need to mop your floors than when you have to get down on hands and knees to clean something up.

And all the women across America nod in agreement.

I hope all of you lovely peeps have a great weekend. Word to the wise: get some laundry done. Because two loads of laundry on a Saturday is a lot better than six loads of laundry on a Friday. That sounds like something that should go on a fortune cookie. Ahem. 

Here's to a better weekend (after I dominate my to-do list) and a less hectic week next week (as well as more consistent blogging!).   :)   :)  

"For your Maker is your husband, the Lord of hosts is His name; and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer, the God of the whole earth He is called."  ~Isaiah 54:5

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