Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Pray for Us?

I was bad last night and forgot to take pictures of the softball game. But not to worry, there will be another one on Thursday. And in case you're wondering, no, we did not win last night. But we had tons of fun and that's all that really matters.

But today, instead of talking about anything funny or goofy, I'd like to take a moment to ask you to pray for Roman and I.

In case anyone does not already know, Roman and I graduated college last weekend. I graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and he graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science. I already have a full-time job with the government, but Roman is now on the hunt for his full-time career.

Before I go into the prayer request, let me back up and let you know how we prayed life after college would go....

Roman wanted to work in a crime lab, specifically the GBI lab in Moultrie. He recently decided that he would also be happy working on a crime scene unit or even as an investigator. But besides that, it was our hope that he would be able to get a job where he worked 9-5 Monday through Friday. The poor guy has spent the past three years of his life working almost every weekend. The one day where I have nothing to do (Saturday) is the one day that he cannot be with me because he has to work. So naturally, we were hoping that after the hurricane of college was over, we would finally be able to be a 'normal' married couple and spend some time together. Roman also wants to stay just as active in the church, which would mean he needs to be off on Sundays as well and would need to get off of work early enough on Wednesdays to make it to Wednesday night Bible study.

Now enter complication number one: no one told Roman that a forensic science degree is not the best degree to get if you want to work in a crime lab. Many crime labs would actually prefer for you to have a Biology or Chemistry degree. Roman did not find this out until (drum roll please): 2 months ago. Our prayer is that he will be able to squeeze into a crime lab somewhere with the degree he already has, but if he has to he will go back to school for another two semesters so he can get a Biology degree as well.

Time for complication number two: we are finding out that most agencies want their crime lab folks to start out as cops. We do not really understand why someone who went to school to work in a lab would be forced to go to police academy to be a cop, and then after a few years maybe get transferred to the lab. Makes absolutely no sense to us, but what do we know??

Complication number two is much more complicated for us than complication number one. Even though our bank accounts are dying a slow death, we can handle Roman attending college for two more semesters if it means he can get a job easier. But Roman being a police officer is something that we definitely did not have in mind. To be honest, it scares me to death. I've already gone through "what if you get shot in the ghetto and I'm left here all by myself" (picture me sobbing intensely and you'll get the picture).

Thankfully I'm over that part of the whole thing......if he has to be a cop then God will protect him.......but now we are just frustrated more than anything. We've already spent the past two years of our marriage at arm's length because of school. Do we really have to go through this? 11 weeks of police academy where he will be gone Monday through Friday. Then he will be a police officer doing shift work. Which means every other weekend he will be working. Every other two days I probably won't see him. So you can see how this definitely was not something we had in mind.

Of course, Roman is going to do what he has to do in order to get a job. If it means he has to be a police officer, he'll do it. If it means we have to spend another two years barely seeing each other, we'll make it through. Hopefully, Roman will be talking to someone in the Albany Police Department today, and here is where you guys come in.

"What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures." ~James 4:1-3

I am asking God today to move in a way that only He can. Roman needs a job as soon as possible. But I am asking God to give him a job on a crime scene unit without him having to be a cop first. It is possible for the APD to hire people straight onto their crime units without them ever being a cop, it's just rare. I'm asking for a miracle, and I want you to ask with me. If we "do not have because we do not ask God", then I want to be sure that I ask and that I ask specifically.

My motives (I believe) are pure. I want my husband to be able to stay involved with his ministry at our church. I want him to be able to attend regularly on Wednesdays so he can stay surrounded by the men of the church and continue to grow. I want to be able to 'make up for lost time' in our marriage. It has taken a toll on us to be so busy; we need the time to strengthen our marriage. But most importantly, I want my husband to be happy in his career. I want him to be happy to wake up and go to work and I want him to be safe while he is at work.

So here is my prayer:

"Lord, You hold the future in Your hands. I do not know what the future holds, but You do. I thank You for the opportunity to come before You with my requests. It is amazing that we are able to ask You for the desires of our hearts and that You listen with love. This morning, I come before You on behalf of my husband and our marriage. I ask that You do a mighty work with my husband and his career. You know what we have been through over the past two years, and you know what we have been striving for. I ask, if it be Your will, that You spare Roman from being a police officer. Lord, he has worked so hard to achieve his goals, and now it seems that his goal is just getting pushed farther away. Work a miracle Lord so that we can glorify Your name. Do not forget how hard my husband has worked for You and for me as well. Open doors that only You can open, and give him a clear understanding of the path that You want him to walk down. I ask that You give him a job in a crime lab somewhere that he is able to work for without having prior experience as a police officer and without having to go back to school. However, if it is Your will for him to be a cop, give us the strength as he goes off to training and works those long hours. I understand that You want only the best for us, and sometimes we have to do things that are hard without understanding the reasons. We trust You. You have been faithful to us in every area, and You have never let us down. You are beautiful and righteous, and we love You. I ask all of this in Jesus' name, Amen."

Please take time out of your day today and pray for Roman and I. We really appreciate and love you guys, even if we don't know you very well. And of course, I'll be sure to update everybody on the work that God does in our lives!

"Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." ~Matthew 6:34

1 comment:

  1. May God see you through and grant you your heart desires.This prayer sounded more like mine,facing a similar situation.
