Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A Story of His Faithfulness

Sometimes God does things that take us by surprise. We may not have been asking Him to move in a certain part of our lives, but then He suddenly does. This happened with us last August when we found ourselves moving in a much bigger and nicer house, even though we hadn’t even been looking for one (if you missed that saga of life events, you can read about it here and here.)
I had not announced this on the blog or anything, but Roman has to get braces. Without going into detail, he had some issues with his teeth that we had always thought were no big deal, only to find out that it is a very big deal and needs to be corrected as soon as possible. Next Thursday he’ll go in to have a tooth pulled and then get the braces put on. We’re both excited, but a little nervous too.
I knew he would need the braces last year, so when open season for health insurance rolled around last December, I did an in-depth analysis to try and find a new dental insurance plan that would cover orthodontics for patients over the age of 18 years old. There weren’t any, which meant that we would have to foot the $4,800 bill on our own. Yippee! You can imagine how much more thrilled I was when I got slapped with a furlough letter just a few weeks before his appointment.
But we were going to be okay. I moved some things around in the budget, Roman’s been making good money at work lately, and I knew that God was going to take care of us no matter what. I honestly don’t think I prayed one time for God to provide money towards the braces (to my fault), although I have been praying about this upcoming furlough. Sometimes He just likes to take care of things, even when we don’t specifically ask Him to, just to show us He loves us and He’s got this thing under control.
Roman is also under his mom’s health/dental/vision insurance since he is under 25 years old. After sending in the information to the orthodontist just to see if they would pay for anything, we got back a shocking response: they would pay $2,000 towards the braces! $2,000!!!!!
This was a miracle that we truly were not looking for, but we are incredibly grateful. Our monthly payments will drop from the original $159 a month to only $88 a month. In the middle of an 11-week furlough, this is a really big deal for us!
God’s Word tells us to share His wonderful works with those around us, so I knew that this was something that had to be shared with all of you. Isn’t He wonderful? I love how He works on our behalf when we are completely unaware of it. I love how He surprises us with unexpected blessings that have such huge impacts on our daily lives. We serve a mighty God!
What has He done for you lately? Feel free to share in the comments!  :)

“Praise be to the Lord, for He showed me the wonders of His love when I was in a city under siege. In my alarm I said, ‘I am cut off from Your sight!’ Yet You heard my cry for mercy when I called to You for help. Love the Lord, all His faithful people! The Lord preserves those who are true to Him, but the proud He pays back in full. Be strong, and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.”  ~Psalm 31:21-24

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