Friday, April 26, 2013

Caution: Husband in Training

I’m travelling a little bit today, so this post will be super short. I hope you all have a great weekend! :)
My Pastor’s wife once gave me some great advice: “If you can just try to not kill your husband until he turns 30, then I promise you things will get a lot better.” I think that is excellent advice, personally.
I must admit, I married a good one. He is romantic and kind and I rarely have any problems when it comes to helping out on housework and things like that. But you know, just as I am not perfect, he is not perfect, and sometimes I just have to smile and remind myself that if I can hold off on killing him until he reaches thirty, then we should be in pretty good shape, ya know??  ;)
I was reminded of this on Wednesday evening, when I realized that there were a couple of small holes developing around the pockets of my favorite jeans. Now, please understand this: the clothes I buy are generally cheap. I found this pair of jeans at the mall, they were an off-brand and they were on clearance, but they fit AMAZING. So I bought three pairs of them, two in a dark wash and one in a lighter wash, because all women know that good jeans are hard to find. For some reason, the lighter wash fits better than the two dark wash pairs, so I wear that pair A LOT. Like as in, at least two times a week. And I go horse-back riding in them. I even painted in them. I tell you this so that you will understand: I wear this pair of jeans a whole lot and even though I haven’t had them a year yet, I’ve already had Roman patch a hole in the back pocket area once. So when I noticed that there were a couple of small holes developing close to where Roman patched the first hole, I casually turned to him and said something like this: I need you to patch up a couple more holes in these jeans. I’ve got a few more holes developing close to that patch. And that is when I realized that he is still in training.
“Your butt must be getting bigger.”
……..thank you, Roman. Please hold while I go grab a steak knife. Must. Wait. Until. He’s. Thirty.
Men across America: never tell your wife her butt is getting bigger. Also, never follow up that statement by trying to explain yourself: “I mean, it’s getting rounder and more plump. I like it.” Because that also is not wise. I’m just trying to help y’all out here.
“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her.” ~Ephesians 5:25

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