I now introduce to you “Works for Me Wednesdays”. If you read other blogs than you may have seen this before, so please don’t think I’m super duper smart and came up with this idea all by myself. Because then you would be wrong-o. I discovered Works for Me Wednesdays through one of my all-time favorite blogs, “We are THAT Family” (link is to the right in my list of favorite blogs if you wanna check it out). BUT, I know through my survey that pretty much all of my readers are 17 and older, which means many of you are probably responsible for some sort of something around your home. Unless you are thirty and live in your mom’s basement and she still does everything for you, in which case I guess this post won’t concern you. And also, you should consider getting a job and maybe take up some of the cleaning workload.
ANYWAYS. Works for Me Wednesdays (WFMW) is just a cool way for me to share with you some fun little tips that make life easier. Anything from easy recipes to cleaning tips to how to wash your cat without dying (I actually don’t know how to do that, help?), I’ll be sharing little tidbits with you that will hopefully make your life easier. And please feel free to share your own little tidbits in the comments section below OR post a link to your own blog if you also write WFMW posts. And for those of you who love my Weird Wednesday posts, do not fret: I still plan on mixing those in on Wednesdays too.
Alright, now that we got all of that out of the way, let’s get this thing started.
If you know me personally, than you know that I am a clean/organization freak. If you don’t know me personally, than you now know that I am a clean/organization freak. I have files for everything. I clean my house once a week. My desk at work stays spotless and everything in my drawers/filing cabinet has its own place. However, ever since Roman and I moved into a (much) bigger house than our double-wide trailer back in August, I’m finding it extremely difficult to fit in all of my cleaning. Since I work a full-time job, I usually try to clean on Saturdays. But in this bigger house, I can easily spend 8 hours cleaning and 0 hours relaxing. And no matter if you work a full-time job or a part-time job or if you have the opportunity to stay home with the kiddos, I’m sure the women across America can relate. So let me introduce you to a product that I have fallen in love with………..they’re called “disinfecting wipes”.
Maybe you already use them and you just rolled your eyes at me. I know, I know, sometimes I’m late to the party. Actually, I’m usually late for everything…..but seriously. I have fallen in love with the Great Value Lemon Scent Disinfecting Wipes from the mysterious land of Wal-Mart. First of all, they are bleach free, so I don’t have to worry about accidentally getting it on my clothes. Second of all, the lemon scent smells pretty good to me. And third of all, I haven’t found anything they couldn’t clean and they greatly cut down on the amount of time I spend cleaning. (I tried to find the price online for you, but Wal-Mart’s website is not playing nice. I think I spent $10 for a pack of three.)
Here’s the thing: my kitchen has a LOT of counter-space. And I have two cats who adore laying all over my countertops. So once a week I would get out my 409 (miracle cleaning solution) and scruuuuub my countertops/stove/microwave/fridge/sink/cats (just kidding about that last one). Now, I just take a couple of those wipes and run over everything (not the cats) before I go to bed at night. I wake up in the morning to a shiny, fresh-smelling kitchen and now I don’t have to worry about cleaning up a disaster-kitchen every Saturday. Last night we made tacos and somehow managed to get salsa all over the stove and the surrounding counters. Even though I didn’t clean up for a couple hours after dinner (because I’m lazy like that) I was able to take one disinfecting wipe and ba da bing, ba da boom, no more salsa splatters.
These things do a pretty good job in the bathroom as well. Of course, I will still need to periodically give my shower and bath tub a good scrubbing, but last Saturday I was able to quickly run over my sink/sink countertops and the toilet and then I was done. So much easier and faster than getting out all of that cleaning solution and rags and toilet cleaner and all that.
So there ya have it. Disinfecting wipes really work for me!
Psst: I was not paid or given any free products to write this post. I just have a love relationship with the products mentioned above. You can love them too….I’ll share.
Also pssst: I know I said I was going to close my survey this past Friday, but I have decided to leave it open for a little while longer. So if you haven’t had a chance to take it yet, click here. And if you have already taken it-thank you! I’m getting some really awesome feedback!
“Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: ‘Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.’ Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.” ~Proverbs 31:28-31
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