Thursday, May 16, 2013

Throwback Thursday: Dance Parrttaaaaayy!!

I now introduce to you Thursday Throwback. A lot of my friends on Facebook do a “throwback” by posting a picture of themselves from their childhood—whether it’s funny or just plain cute. So in an effort to be a complete copycat, I’m bringing the Thursday Throwback to Life with the Casterlines. Shablam.

Our first real Thursday Throwback was this post that I wrote back in March about Roman's second-grade writings. But there were no pictures in that one… maybe it doesn’t count after all. And it was written on a Friday, so that’s two strikes against it. Ahem.
Anyways, did you know that I used to take clogging when I was little? No, you didn’t. Because there's only a handful of people who knew that, but now you do. I was actually getting pretty good at it, and I did it for around five-ish years. But then we moved and couldn’t find a good dance studio in the new town, so that was the end of that. But for five long years I danced around my parent’s kitchen in my clogs and scuffed up the linoleum floors and drove everyone half-crazy. Here’s an adorable picture of me at one of my first dance recitals. I was either five or six years old when this was taken. Am I not the cutest thing ever???!?!!?! (Just nod in agreement.)

So there ya have it folks. If you’re lucky I might show you a few of my awesome dance moves. MAYBE.
“Let them praise His name with dancing, making melody to Him with tambourine and lyre.” ~Psalm 149:3

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